Is Wagyu Beef Healthy?

We’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” But if your new year’s resolutions have you a little less than enthused about what food is considered “healthy”, we have great news: Wagyu has numerous health benefits! These prime cuts are more than just a pretty face (although the marbling can’t be beat!) - they bring in some major nutritional advantages when compared to grocery store beef.
Here’s what Wilders Wagyu can do for you:
1. Wagyu Beef Fat Content
News flash: not all fat is bad! The “good” stuff is in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which lower the risk of disease. “Bad fats” are found in trans fats, which get the bad rap for disease risk, weight gain, etc. While Wagyu beef contains more intramuscular fat, it does not contain the unhealthy fatty acids.
The ratio of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids are lower in Wagyu. These fatty acids found in conventional beef are associated with inflammation, as opposed to the healthier fats found in Wagyu beef.
2. CLA Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Wagyu is also known for being a great source of conjugated linoleic acid, or “CLA.” This omega-6 fatty acid is known for numerous health benefits, such as reduced body fat, improved muscle mass, and lowered disease risk
"CLA may lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of certain cancer and reduce the risk for Alzheimer's disease, although more research is needed in this area," says Andrew Akhaphong, RD, LD, a dietitian for Mackenthun's Fine Foods. A review in Public Health Nutrition also noted that eating foods with CLA can help to lower LDL cholesterol levels, often referred to as "bad cholesterol" for heart health.
3. Oleic Acid
But wait, there’s more! Wagyu is also a good source of oleic acid, which the FDA stated, “may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.” This fatty acid is found in olive oil, and is one of the major contributors to the health benefits associated with using olive oil, such as benefits to autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
It is also known to reduce cholesterol, increase healthy blood vessel function, and assist with the immune system.
4. Sustainable Practices
In addition to the naturally occurring nutritional properties of Fullblood Wagyu, Wilders takes it a step further. We are committed to offering a product as close to nature as possible. We raise our cattle with no added growth hormones or steroids.
That also means sourcing local, sustainable goods that fuel not only our animals, but the planet. We grow and harvest the hay and silage that we use to feed our animals. And if we choose to feed other grain and commodities, they are sourced from local NC farmers. The nutrition program that our beef animals are on is a total mixed ration that is very highly studied and is an exact science of the protein and nutrients that those animals need, no more no less.
Curious where all this data came from? Check out our sources:
- Composition of Wagyu Fat and its Health Benefits
- Wagyu Beef Nutrition: Health Benefits, Risks, and How to Cook It
- National Library of Medicine: Association of Foods Enriched in CLA
- FDA Review of Oleic Acid and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
- Impact of Beef Consumption on Saturated Fat
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